Web design

A well crafted logo design and fleet wrap design get you noticed as you comfortably sail the open waters, but how do you actually lock these customers in? How do you close? You've been directing them into your net this whole time, but now its time to finish the job. How well can this be done with a poor web presence when the other areas of your marketing are excellent? The look and aestetic of the logo design and wrap must be continued across the board. Continuity is everything. Does the business card match the shirt, the fleet wraps, the website, etc? Do you have branded artwork such as icons and backgrounds on your website that further promotes this continuity? Is your text generic corporate generated copywritem, written by people farming this stuff for an hourly wage? Did you notice the SEO keywords being used this whole time? These details matter.

The SEO saying goes, "The best place to hide a body is on the second page of Google." A proper website with branded content and fast page load speeds is imperative to success. It is your close on what is now a hot lead after all your efforts. An optimized Google My Business profile is key to supporting all this hard work and investment that has taken place up to this point. These are huge details that can't be missed. If you would like to continue the continuity of your brand onto your web design and Google My Business profile, click the link, let's get in touch.

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